How We Work

In delivering our services, it’s vital that our agency meets your needs, both physically and mentally. As well as creating care service packages that are unique for you and that fit your specific requirements, we evaluate them as frequently as necessary, so that the care and support we provide is flexible and can respond to your changing needs.

We will work as part of a multidisciplinary team, supporting your independence and making sure participation in the wider community.

How We Work

1. Get in Touch, We’re Here 24/7

When you call or email us to discuss what support you need, we’ll look at your specific requirements and outline what services might benefit you. It’s just a friendly chat to understand your needs a bit better and there’s no obligation or pressure to continue.

Our lines are also open 24/7 in case you need to arrange support in an emergency.

How We Work

2. Our Professional Assessment

The next step is to complete a professional clinical assessment. We’ll visit you or your loved one at your house for a detailed assessment and risk management of your needs. We can discuss in more detail what you want from a care service and talk through our recommendations for your circumstances, creating an overall plan for your care.

How We Work

3. Building Your Team

Once you’re happy with the proposed care services we then start processing your request and pair you with the best team possible, who will be there to support and help you through life’s journey.

We’ll regularly assess your care too, so it’s always adapting to your changing needs.

Would you like to enquire for care?