Live-in Care

Live-in care allows you to live in the comfort and familiarity of your own home, while having a dedicated support network of highly trained professionals who will work alongside you.

At Universal Complex care our live-in carers aren’t just professionals, they become a rock to their clients, supporting them to live the way they want with dignity and independence.

Live-in Care

Round the Clock Support

A live-in carer might be a better option than having regular daily visits from carers or you might be in the situation where you or a loved one needs 24-hour care.

Universal Complex Care can help you with round the clock support, so you can continue to enjoy a secure, comfortable and independent life within the familiar surroundings of your own home.

Whatever your personal requirements, a highly trained, dedicated carer will live in your home, so you can have uninterrupted care, on hand, whenever you need it.

Our live-in care is designed to be flexible around you. So, for example, we can help with:


  • Personal care/hygiene and specialist medical requirements
  • Any cooking and dietary requirements
  • Companionship and getting out and about
  • General housekeeping
Live-in Care

Why Choose Our Live in Care?

Our carers know that it can be hugely challenging looking after a loved one without support. But we also understand that bringing the right person into your home is crucial because you and your family need to feel comfortable. At Universal Complex Care this is the most important consideration when building you a support network. Our fully trained carers all hold the Skills for care certificate as standard too.

And the benefits of choosing our live in care are huge. You’ll be cared for in the comfort of your own home, so your daily life can remain the same, with as much or as little support as you choose. You’ll have a constant companion, while your friends can still come and go as they please. Your privacy and dignity are always respected.

Our live-in care is designed to support your independence and is personalised to fit in around your existing routines and requirements, so you can live your best life.

Would you like to enquire for care?