Dementia Care

Dementia is a progressive collection of symptoms and as it reaches the latter stages the sufferer will become increasingly dependent on help.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with dementia, with support and care from our professional team you can happily live a life that’s filled with your favourite activities while continuing to live at home.

Universal Complex Care has fully trained and qualified staff with experience of the challenges that dementia and the associated symptoms poses.

Dementia Care

Our Dementia Care Services

Finding the right dementia care can feel daunting. Dementia can bring a demanding range of needs including washing and bathing, cooking meals, companionship, administering medicines and GP visits or cleaning around the home. And if you’re already caring for a dementia sufferer, you might need respite and time to look after yourself too.

Universal Complex Care provides visiting and live-in care as well as respite care to help round the clock, or to give a family member who’s looking after you a break. Our specialist dementia care looks beyond supporting you with physical tasks too. For example, we think about:


  • Understanding the frustrations that come with not always being able to do everyday tasks
  • Reducing distractions and providing clear, simple instructions
  • Using routines, familiar photos and scents
  • Involve you wherever possible to maintain your independence

We also know that your relationship with your carer is the most important factor. Our staff are all qualified, with the Skills for Care Certificate as a minimum, but more importantly they all share our ethos: that care should be the best possible. Everyone at Universal Complex care understands the difference proper care can make. We’ll match you with a team that’s the perfect fit for your requirements.

Dementia Care

And with proper care a person with dementia can continue to live life to the full, with independence and dignity, enjoying an active social life while remaining in the familiar and comfortable surroundings of their own home.

Would you like to enquire for care?